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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Turns Cold... And Snowy???

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog! We're wraping up another great day of amazing weather with temperatures well into the 60s for highs for many locations with plenty of sunshine to be had as well. Tomorrow things turn a bit rainy but temperatures will hold strong in the 50s all the way towards your Friday. Big changes are in store for the weekend and beyond so let's get to it.

This weekends storm is looking alot more better in terms as in knowing it is going to happen. The models are all saying this thing will happen but of course the typical arguements between them on when and where and what time exactly this will happen. That will be more clear as we get closer to the weekend.

The models are talking about a potential Tornado Outbreak to our west in Missouri and Arkansas. With a snow storm to the north of those areas.

Here's something I wanted to point out... Which is the cold thats in store for the month of February. Take a look at this picture real good and then I'll walk you all through what it is trying to say...
Okay you see the blue color? That means colder than normal temperatures are expected for those days listed above the picture. The darker the blue, is the colder the temperatures are expected to get. I'm not saying that dark blue in Mexico is making them colder than us, but I am saying that it means it will make them colder than their normal temperatures for that time of the year. As for the green and yellow? You guessed it right, they mean warmer than normal temperatures are expected for that area. With the yellow being the warmest of the two.

That above is all part of a big ridge of high pressure creating a deep trough that will sweep through our area for the first half of the month of February... At least :).

I have a feeling that I'm going to be one busy weather dude during this two week period. But we shall figure out for sure as time goes by and we get closer.

Have a great night everyone and be safe! More updates as needed! :)

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