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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome To The Blog!

Hello everyone and welcome to Southeastern Kentucky Weather Blog! I'll be updating on this page quite often from now on. Some of you have been following me from Facebook where I post about the weather several times a day. I just got finished making this blog today as I also made a Twitter account just yesterday to connect with all of you more and easier. This is my first blog so bare with me as there may be some glitches and so on along the way. I hope you all enjoy the blog and please share with friends and families!

Some of you all have followed me from my start last summer and other have just started during this winter. Either way you go, I sure do appreciate every single one of you who have followed/following me so much. Without you, I would not have the support to keep on predicting and reporting the weather around here.

I hope to have my first weather post up on this site a bit later today! Thank you all and have a great Tuesday! :)
Remember, tell your friends and family about this blog. I thank you!

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