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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Southern Kentucky Snowfall Woes

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! I would like to tell each and everyone of you reading this that I am sorry for having such a bad handle on today's snow chances. I have had so much going on with college and personal things this week that I haven't had much time for anything lately. The past few nights I've been staying up late several hours so I can give you rapid updates and honestly it's taken a huge toll on me each day only getting a few hours of sleep before class time.

Anyways this post is to tell you why we haven't gotten any snow this winter. If you really want the honest answer then this is for you, but before I tell you I just want to warn you that this may seem like a smart aleck answer but I do not mean it to be in any way. Anyways the answer why we haven't seen any snow is because none the of systems have played out to our advantage or moved in our direction. There I said it. Winter weather is the hardest form of weather to predict little on track. Radars have such a hard time picking up on the difference between rain and snow as snow is smaller than rain and is much harder to pick up on radar. That hints why several times I've told you this winter that the radar may say it isn't snowing when it actually is.

Another thing I wanted to talk to you about is I know alot of you is frustrated and impatient with me as I'm "getting everything wrong" this winter. Well look at it this way, I'm no pro and far from it and another thing I haven't been wrong every time. Just if you knew how much the weather changes. ;)
Anyone can look up the weather off the weather channels website and relay it to you. I don't do that, I post pictures of computer models breaking them down so you can understand them. That puts a fine line between me and other forecasters.

I may not be right every time but I do take time out my busy life to better help you. I am man enough to admit that yes sometimes I am wrong and because of that it fuels me to better my studies and understanding of the weather and how it happens. I will continue to serve all of you in the entire southern Kentucky area and inform you of dangerous weather situations.

I want to end on this, if you think I have a bad handle on the weather right now imagine how bad I was 3 years ago first starting out. Honestly I was wrong at least every 7 out of 10 times. I've made too much progress to slow down now. The only way to go from here is up!

Have a great evening everyone and take care! :)

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